Data masking Hush Hush

Why Agile Teams Love Data Masking


agile teams


Agile teams work quickly to develop, test, and deploy software and code to ensure organizations meet their business goals. This involves accessing sensitive business data that could cause compliance and security issues if not adequately managed.  

In this blog, we'll unpack why Agile teams rely on data masking to control access to sensitive data without disrupting development.   

Data Masking Improves Compliance  

Data privacy regulations contain detailed provisions for the collection, handling and processing of personally identifiable information (PII). The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in particular, requires the use of data protection methods to safeguard private data as well as data protection by design and by default. This means that data protection processes should form part of the development lifecycle.  

Data Masking is one of the most widely used and recognized data privacy solutions that is recognized by this privacy law. Data masking allows organizations to maintain the convenience of using their customers' data while removing any real identifiers. Using data masking, the data can be de-identified, so that personal information remains anonymous in the context of support, analytics, testing, or outsourcing. 


Data Masking Supports Continuous Development 

Testing teams need data to test and deploy quickly, and developers often work with copies of the production database full of unprotected data that poses a serious privacy risk. In addition, many organizations divide development and production activities and create different environments for different purposes.  

Good data privacy practice mandates data masking as part of the software development lifecycle to ensure sensitive data is anonymized before moving into different environments. Automating data masking as part of the development lifecycle results in continuous development with a constant flow of safely masked data. 


With compliance regulations requiring strict privacy controls over test data, many Agile teams turn to data masking as the ideal solution as it automates the complicated data masking process, reduces downtime, and allows teams to manage their test data provisioning safely and compliantly. Hush-Hush SSIS Components install into SSIS, expand data flow functionality, and integrate into a variety of application modes, including Agile, Kanban, Six Sigma, and Waterfall.  


In addition, Hush-Hush data masking components allow organizations to comply with privacy regulations and help Agile teams limit access to data in non-production environments.  


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