Sensitive Data Discovery Tool
SDDT is a utility for discovering sensitive data elements in the database and building SSIS packages for SQL Server databases. This solution uses discovery and ranking algorithms that are based on metadata and data values. Only the statistically-most-used data values for each type are used, to maximize performance. Selected elements get matched with the most suitable algorithms and presented in a color-coded display. A user can fine-tune algorithm selection and decide on outcomes including moving the data, move as-is or mask and move. The resulting selection and algorithms are used to auto-generate an SSIS package per table, or they can be used to generate multiple tables at a time that can be attached to an SSIS project. This utility can also write selected elements into a CVS file for further audit purposes.
Features include:
- Discovery patterns based on metadata and statistically significant data values
- Best-match algorithm auto-selection
- Algorithm tuning capabilities
- Mask, do not mask, or disregard the data
- Source -to- destination auto-matching
- Auto-generation of SSIS package
- Multiple tables package generation
- Custom properties interface
- 18 elements and generic algorithms
- Nulls and White Spaces handling
- Sensitive elements Audit Export into the file
Software requirements:
Windows 8,10 OS