Data masking Hush Hush

Our Latest Updates Usher In New Era Of Seamless Data Privacy




It’s a day all software companies look forward to – today we released our latest updates to our data privacy tools designed to help organizations enjoy a frictionless data protection experience.


Our patented Data Masking Components allow automated data masking prior to development, empowering organizations to control the flow of data in and out of the business quickly and without disruption, and satisfy the requirements of data privacy laws like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. 

Key updates to the software include a new Import and Export editor, new filters in our Number Rollup component, and a simple-to-use drag and drop interface that allows developers to mask sensitive data quickly and easily.  

The big new feature is our Embedded Dictionary which allows you to create your own dictionary which can be embedded in our data masking component.  

The Hush-Hush Sensitive Data Discovery Tool locates, analyzes, and classifies sensitive data within an organization, helping developers track the flow of data quickly for security purposes and take preventative action against attack.  

Updates include all-in-one installation for quick deployment, auto-save capability, simplified workflows, and additional support for SQL Servers.  

The new Auto-Save safely encrypts and stores your passwords, allowing you to close and re-open the application without having to re-enter your credentials or disrupt analysis. 

Hush-Hush data protection solutions are also available directly from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an online market for buying and selling cloud solutions certified to run on Azure. The Azure Marketplace helps connect companies seeking innovative, cloud-based solutions with partners who have developed solutions that are ready to use. 


Hush-Hush has a fourteen-year track record of providing patented data masking and sensitive data discovery solutions to businesses across the globe. Request a free demo or trial at 


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