Data masking Hush Hush

Data Masking In Text

SDDT for text is a utility for discovering sensitive data elements in the unstructured text files.

Currently the tool is in the beta.

We will help you train the tool and utilize it on your organizational lexicon.

This solution uses discovery and ranking algorithms that are based on metadata and data values.

Selected elements get matched with the most suitable algorithms and presented in a tokenized format with the corresponding algorithm.

A user can fine-tune algorithm selection and decide on outcomes including moving the data, move as-is or mask and move.

The resulting files maintain original format yet sensitive data is replaced with values produced by algorithms.

Features include:

- Discovery patterns based on sentences semantics and organization`s lexicon

- Best-match algorithm auto-selection- Algorithm tuning capabilities

- Mask, do not mask, or disregard

- Single Preview Mode

- Logging and Error Handling

You can preview the text tool functionality here


Software requirements:

Windows 8,10 OS

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BuildNumber = dev_20210906.1